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Thursday, 11 October 2012

Info Post
Welcome if you arrived to my blog from the BBC's article on the Guerilla Sticker Craze on the Tube and thanks to Andy Dangerfield for interviewing me about it.  As I said in the article, these stickers have actually been around on the London for many years in some shape or form, but recently they have become much more inventive.

They've moved from the subtle No Talking, No Eye Contact and No Sitting (I first saw these back in 2004)

No sitting 

To more imaginative ways of displaying our frustration with not being able to get seats on the Tube

Peak Hours may mean lap sitting by Whatleydude
Spotted by @Whateleydude in 2008

My favourites are the non graphical ones as they actually do blend into the commute more. 

Emergency Tube Margarita taken by Stuart Clary
Spotted by Stuart Clary in 2004

However, the inventiveness of the Stickers on the Central Line series which first started appearing last year took things to a new level with an accompanying blog and commentary

From Stickers on the Central Line

I love the explanation for Lille: "It is a little known fact that between Woodford and Buckhurst Hill there is a lightly used tunnel which provides London Underground commuters direct access to the Paris Metro. Providing you’re not in a hurry, you can just sit back (if you can find a seat), relax and simply show your passport when the border guards pass through the train."

The stickers have also made their way onto other trains in London such as the Gatwick Express

Spotted on the Gatwick Express

As Andy points out in his article there are some websites around that are selling the stickers, and now that the "craze" has been published in The Sun today & on Mashable in the US, one can only imagine there will be even more interest and even more inventiveness in the creations.

If you spot any more on your journeys, let me know.

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Spoof Stickers on the Central Line
Cheer up the Tube stickers in the Wild
Emergency Margaritas on the Tube
Subway Advisory Notices
A Wish for the Tube
Sitting not allowed - Penalty £200 


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