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Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Info Post
I remember the days when e-readers were extremely few and far between on the London Underground. Now Kindles are pretty common place. Just within six months, even seeing someone reading an iPad on the Tube has lost its novelty value.

Reading Kindle at Old Street Tube
It was quite sweet when I recently some children staring at women's Kindle with open curiosity. Admittedly the extremely colourful skin probably threw them. After a couple of stops their curiosity got the better of them:

Kindle with sticker skin on Tube

"What's that?" said one.
"It's a Kindle", she replied.
Blank looks from the kids
"It's like an iPad", she tried to clarify
"Ah", The penny dropped and they carried on chatting to each other.

Gadget Man - Interesting e-reader on the Tube

I remember feeling like the kids when I saw this chunky looking e-reader above five years ago.  I had no idea what it was at the time. e-readers have certainly come on leaps and bounds since then.

However, I wonder if in ten or even five years time we'll see more people reading from iPads, Kindles or other e-readers than we see people reading printed books and papers on the Tube?

Are people worried about getting these devices out for fear of getting them nicked?  Is it all just a question of cost (even though a Kindle costs about the same price as an iPod), are they still too expensive?  Is it still more comforting to handle physical paper & newsprint on a Tube journey?


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