Breaking News
Friday, 3 August 2012

Info Post
We're coming to the end of the first week of the Olympics & finally the Tube picture many of us have been waiting for.  Forget shots of overcrowded Tubes (although as yet it hasn't been worse than normal). Forget shots of tourists looking confused & herding round interchanges.  Forget the shot of the Olympic torch being carried on the front of Tube train (although no one seemed to get that anyway).  It's the shot of an athlete carrying a Gold Medal on the London Undeground.

It's actually great to see athletes using the Tube in the first place, but to see one proudly posing with their medal was a delight.  I'm not sure who originally took this photo of Venezuelan fencing champion, Ruben Limardo but comedian Omid Djalili Tweeted it yesterday afternoon & it went around Twittersphere like wildfire.

A Tube commuter said to The Mirror: "It was just amazing. This guy came on the train with a gold medal round his neck. I asked him about it and he just shrugged and said ‘I’m a fencer from Venezuela.’ He posed for pictures and signed autographs and then got off. Absolutely surreal.”

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