Breaking News
Saturday, 17 March 2012

Info Post
Blogger in its infinite wisdom has decided to give me (and all other blogs - more on all the issues here if you also have a non custom domain blogspot hosted blog) a new URL of Fortunately the old URL forwards so you don't need to change links or bookmarks. Unfortunately the rubbish commenting system I was using wouldn't let me add the UK domain as a new one, soooooo this meant that if you're in the UK you couldn't see any of the old comments.

I never really liked it when Echo took over from Haloscan and the support they offer for commenting is non existent unless you pay £100 a month purely for hosting comments - which obviously isn't happening.

So I've imported Disqus as the new way to comment - a number of London bloggers who I know many of you already visit, already use this, so it will be good for you as no need to build a new account. Also if it's good enough for "over half a billion people across some of the largest sites on the web", it's good enough for me!

If you don't already use Disqus you can still comment without having an account, but I'm sure people who are regular Disqus users will tell you what the benefits of having an account are.

Hopefully someone with more brains than me will be able to work out how I can import the old comments into the new system. I've just worked out how to access the XML file. But it took this developer half a day to then import the comments into a new system. That's worrying as it would probably take me half a year as I have very little technical abilities.

So if you want to see the old comments stay patient. A friendly developer has really helped me with getting Disqus onto the site so that it (now - as of Sunday 2.30pm 18th March) works regardless of which country you are in (all comments made yesterday on the index page & outside of the UK have unfortunately disappeared though).

All advice more than welcome in the Disqus COMMENTS LINK below


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