Breaking News
Monday, 26 March 2012

Info Post
The latest of the posters from the ‘Get Ahead of the Games’ series is on the London Underground. Its all part of the campaign to ensure that tourists, Londoners & commuters can effectively plan their journeys during the Olympic Games. Two weightlifting people try to squeeze themselves out of Tube doors at the same time, with the caption "Certain journeys will be affected during the Games". "Certain" journeys? Why not try "all" journeys?

Certain Journeys will be affected - Tube Poster
Well unless you are travelling just a few stops on the outskirts of West, South or North London, your journey won't be affected.  So they're right.  Otherwise every other Tube journey during the Olympics will be affected.

Anyway, back to the advert, if you are free today - Tuesday 27th March 2012 - you can get the chance to star in a re-construction of the above ad.  The people behind the campaign are "looking for extras to appear with our two Weightlifters in a very special video and photoshoot. We'll be filming at a disused station, with our own Tube train and platform!"  It might be too late to apply now - but you never know -  if you're free at lunchtime and can get to Charing Cross, where the filming will be taking place on the old Jubilee Line platform, get in touch.

If you're one of the people going, please let me know how it went.  I'd love too see how they re-construct the old lady on the right of the picture with her cat (or is it a white squirrel) in the shopping trolley! 

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