Breaking News
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Info Post
Say alien mutants invade London. After all the inevitable fighting & power struggle, they integrate into our society. Despite their mutant changes, they're not intelligent enough to devise a better way of travelling around London. What would commuting on the London Underground look like? Possibly something like this

biennale by Roberto Trm
biennale by Roberto Trm

Love this photo taken by Roberto Trm from the last La Biennale art exhibiton in Venice and added to the Flickr London Tube pool. I have no idea who the artist is and what it was supposed to represent but think the sculpture rocks.

The designer bags carrried by the mutant turtle & wasp is a lovely touch.  

If anyone knows anything about the artist, please let me know in the comments. Or if you have your own interpretation of what the artist was trying to say, I'd love to hear.

Update - The artist is Allesandro Gallo & there's a whole Tube carriage of them on the Northern Line More photos here.  Thanks Roberto & Pirripozz for that info - I'm still none the wiser as to what they're sposed to represent though!

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