Breaking News
Thursday, 11 August 2011

Info Post
Continuing the series where I ask you to try to guess where on the London Underground picture from the London Tube Flickr group was taken from.

Acts of Kindness Tube Poster

A few of you got Guess Where Tube 6 - but it managed to stump the majority of people who guessed.

Today's "Guess where Tube" is about the wonderful "Acts of kindness" poster campaign where artist Michael Landy is collecting stories of kindness on the Tube.

It's particularly pertinant this week in light of many Londoners "fighting" back to the London riots, looting and general mindless violence which we saw at the beginning of the week. The "acts of kindness" in London such as the #riotcleanup campaign; the fundraising to help the Malaysian victim of a mugging which horrified all who watched; the making of cups of tea for the police - who use a riot shield as a tray; shop owners in Brixton handing out free cupcakes in a show of kindness; #NotInOurName - a non political movement giving London's youth a voice; @RiotRebuild a new fundraiser set up for performers & artists and many more acts, have restored my faith in London again.  I'd love to know which acts of kindness where your favourites.

Anyway, back to the guessing it will be interesting seeing the thought patterns of  those who try to guess where the above picture was taken.

Once again, there's no prizes for getting it, just the satisfaction of knowing you were right.

Try not to look at the comments in front of you before making your guess. Enjoy!

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