A few weeks ago, former Tube Challenge Record Holder, Geoff Marshall and Vicki, Anthony and Chris, set out to try to beat the record most r...
Guess Where Tube 6
Continuing the series where I ask you to try to guess where on the London Underground picture from the London Tube Flickr group was taken ...
Angel Tube's Thoughts of the Day go Online
Loving this & I suppose it was only a matter of time, but the " London Underground Whiteboard Message " wars have hitched up a...
Building the Victoria Line in the 1960's
Fascinating film from the archives of Halcrow of a British Transport film detailing the construction of the "new" Victoria Line i...
Slide Stairs to The Trains
Please TfL can we have these on the London Underground? Commuters in Holland can take the newly installed "transfer accelerator" t...
Tube Panel Discussion on iTunes - Londonist Out Loud Podcast
I was lucky enough to be part of the Londonist Out Loud Podcasts two weeks ago and got the opportunity to talk about quirky, interesting ...
The Doctor Who Tube Map
Prepare to take up at least an hour of your time. I have seen a number of London Underground maps related to Doctor Who since I've bee...
Next Tube calling at Harrogate via York
An ambitious scheme to utilise old London Underground trains on a commuter line between Harrogate, Leeds and York was unveiled by business l...
Guess Where Tube 5
Continuing the series where I ask you to try to guess where on the London Underground picture from the London Tube Flickr group was taken ...
Customer Charter Claims - How many is too many?
I'm a big fan of TfL's Customer Charter claims system where you can claim for a refund of your single ticket if your journey on the...
Special Exits for Dogs on the Tube?
Is there a special way out for dogs on the London Underground? If you're travelling through Oxford Circus Tube you might be forgiven fo...
Guess Where Tube 4
Continuing the series where I ask you to try to guess where on the London Underground picture from the London Tube Flickr group was taken ...
July 7th - Six Years On
Possibly with thanks to the News of the World phone hacking scandal , you're going to see and hear more from the papers, radio, blogs an...
News of The World May Have Hacked 7/7 Families' Phones
Quite rightly the country is shocked to hear that The News of the World hacked into Milly Dowler's phone. I awoke this morning to hear ...

Tube Challenge Broken by Mancunians
Marc Gawley and Martin East have officially been named by Guinness World Records as being the fastest people to travel to all 270 London Und...
Take That on the Tube
Even the London Underground are prepared for the "mass" of Take That fans that are going to the Fab Five's current Progress t...
Tube Photo of the Week
" A slice of the London Underground disappears in history ... on Pride weekend ", says Nick who took this excellent shot. It'...
Guess Where Tube 3
Where was this London Underground photo taken from? I'm continuing the "Guess Where Tube" series by selecting pictures from th...