Sadly no free London Underground travel today, but make the most of sharing the same name as William or Kate (or a number of different versi...
Heart of the Angel on DVD - Meet the Tube Fluffers
I was kindly sent a review copy of Molly Dineen's eye-opening documentary about 48 hours in the life of Angel London Underground station...
Heritage Train Journeys in May
London Transport Museum’s 1938 Tube Stock is back on the tracks. Unfortunately, last September's journey was cancelled but on Sunday 2...

Love/Hate Travel Commuter Survival Kit Winners
Many thanks to all who entered the competition to win a brilliant Commuter Survival Kit from Love/Hate Travel . They loved your entries a...
Tube Location Game Chromaroma out of Beta
I've blogged about Chromaroma while it was still in beta, but now everyone with an Oyster card (well anyone with a Pre Pay Oyster) can p...
Royal Wedding Model Rail
As the Royal Wedding Oyster Cards go on sale today, I wondered if there was any other rail or transport related William & Kate memorabi...
How to Make String Tube Map
If you fancy doing something crafty over the coming break, you could try making a London Underground Map out of string. The effect is reall...
Any more thoughts on Private Rod?
Embankment London Underground station has a much photographed door, home to a mysterious "Private Rod" Private Rod by maximolly . ...
Overtaken by a bus in the London Marathon
Yesterday's London Marathon was as usual full of loads of runners in fancy dress, amongst them two guys running as a London bus. I...

Boris visits Tube work site
Boris visited the District Line between Bromley by Bow and Bow Road stations to see what happens when part of the line is closed. TfL have ...
Defective Dot Matrix Displays on the Tube
Every so often the platform indicators & in carriage displays have a funny turn. Sometimes this results in the trains being bound for st...
Three Ages of Reading on the Tube
Regular readers will know I'm always keen to see what people are reading on the London Underground, as it's usually a good indicator...
Tube stations not on the London Underground - Part 2
Following on from the post on Denton Tube station in Gravesend, James Cridland spotted part of a Tube station on Bournemouth! He said ...

Dogs Must be Carried Video
Yes, yes, I know what date it was filmed on, but I love this video from BeardedKitten which shows the surprise / obedience when "offic...
Win a Commuter Survival Kit from LoveHateTravel
You've probably seen ads around the London Underground from Love/Hate Travel which are getting commuters to share reasons on Twitter ...

London Underground Feature on Radio 2
If you follow my tweets , you may have heard I was on Radio 2 last Friday as part of Friday Night is Music Night . No, I haven't got an...

Northern Line not stopping at Tottenham Court Road till November
A reminder that from today, Saturday 2nd April, until late November, no Northern Line London Underground trains will be stopping at TCR stat...
Letting People off the Tube First - a pictorial evolution
There are still a number of people who don't understand Tube door etiquette. For years London Underground have been trying to tell peopl...